Package 'basifoR'

Title: Retrieval and Processing of the Spanish National Forest Inventory
Description: Data sets of the Spanish National Forest Inventory <> are processed to compute tree metrics and statistics. Function metrics2Vol() controls most of the routines.
Authors: Wilson Lara <[email protected]>, Cristobal Ordonez <[email protected]>, Felipe Bravo <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Wilson Lara <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.4
Built: 2024-09-01 03:46:33 UTC

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DBH metrics


This function can format tree diameters at breast height and tree heights according to the sampling design of the Spanish National Forest Inventory (SNFI). The function is used by other routines of basifoR to derive tree metrics, see Details section. Implementation of this function using data sets of the SNFI can be burdensome. Use dendroMetrics instead to recursively derive tree metrics.


dbhMetric(dbh, met = "d")



numeric. Either diameters at breast height (mm) or tree heights (m). Vectors are averaged. Zero values are formatted to NA.


character. Any of five metrics: mean diameter at breast height ('d'), basal area ('ba'), number of trees ('n'), or tree height ('h'). Default 'd'.


Replicates of tree diameter 'd' are averaged. The tree heights 'h' are formatted from mm to dm for further evaluation of volume equations. The basal areas are computed transforming the diameters from mm to cm and using the formula: ba (m2 tree-1 ha-1) = pi * d(cm)^2 * (4 * 1E4)^-1. The number of trees per hectare 'n' are calculated considering the sample design of the NFI: each plot consists of four concentric subplots with radii 5, 10, 15, and 25 m. The minimum diameters recorded in the subplots are 7.5, 12.5, 22.5, and 42.5 cm respectively. Considering these, any of four estimates is printed: 127.32, 31.83, 14.15, or 5.09.


numeric. A tree metric: mean diameter (mm), tree basal area (m2 tree-1), number of trees (dimensionless), or tree height (dm).


Wilson Lara <[email protected]>, Cristobal Ordonez <[email protected]>, Felipe Bravo <[email protected]>


dbh <- dbhMetric(c(10.7, 11.5), 'h')# average tree height (dm)

Summarize dendrometrics


This function can summarize dendrometric data of the Spanish National Forest Inventory (SNFI). It can also control most other functions of the package. Dendrometric variables in the outputs are transformed into stand units, see the Details section.


dendroMetrics(nfi, summ.vr = "Estadillo", 
    cut.dt = "d == d", 
    report = FALSE, ...)



character or data.frame. URL/path to a compressed SNFI file (.zip) having data of either .dbf or .mdb file extensions; or data frame such as that produced by nfiMetrics; or data frame such as that produced by readNFI.


character or NULL. Name of a Categorical variables in the SNFI data used to summarize the outputs. If NULL then output from metrics2Vol is returned. Default 'Estadillo' processes sample plots.


character. Logical condition used to subset the output. Default 'd == d' avoids subsetting.


logical. Print a report of the output in the current working directory.


Additional arguments in metrics2Vol or nfiMetrics or readNFI.


Dendrometric variables are summarized according to the levels of the argument summ.vr. The summary outputs include the categorical columns formulated in summ.vr and the variables defined using arguments/defaults in nfiMetrics. These variables include the tree basal area ba ('m2 ha-1'), the average diameter at breast height d ('cm'), the quadratic mean diameter dg ('cm'), the average tree height h ('m'), the number of trees by hectare n ('dimensionless'), and the over bark volume v ('m3 ha-1'). Subsets of the output summary are extracted using logical expressions in argument 'cut.dt', see syntax in Logic.


data.frame. Depending on summ.vr = NULL, an output from metrics2Vol, or a summary of the variables, see Details section.


Wilson Lara <[email protected]>, Cristobal Ordonez <[email protected]>, Felipe Bravo <[email protected]>


## SNFI Data from the province of Madrid
madridNFI <- system.file("", package="basifoR")
rmad <- readNFI(madridNFI)[1:100,]
mmad <- nfiMetrics(rmad)
vmad <- metrics2Vol(mmad)
dmad <- dendroMetrics(vmad, cut.dt = 'h > 8')
## see metric units

## Retrieval of SNFI data in '' and computation
## of the corresponding dendrometric summary:

path <- '/es/biodiversidad/servicios/banco-datos-naturaleza/'
url2 <- httr::modify_url("", path = path)
dmad <- dendroMetrics(url2, cut.dt = 'h >= 11')
attr(dmad, 'units')

Tree volumes in NFI data


This function computes over bark volumes ('m3') processing tree metrics from databases of the SNFI data and using volume equations established in 2nd NFI, see Details section. To derive dendrometric summaries use dendroMetrics.


metrics2Vol(nfi, cub.met = "freq", 
    keep.var = FALSE, 



character or data.frame. URL/path to a compressed file of the NFI (.zip) having data of either .dbf or .mdb file extensions; or data frame such as that produced by nfiMetrics; or data frame such as that produced by readNFI.


character. Cubication method. Default 'freq' implements the equation form that most frequently match the data, see details section. Additional methods have not yet been implemented.


logical. Keep the variables used to compute the volumes. Default FALSE.


Depending on 'nfi', additional arguments in metrics2Vol or nfiMetrics or readNFI.


The quations from the second SNFI used have the forms 'v ~ par1 + par2 * (d^2) * h', and 'v ~ par1 * (d^par2) * (h^par3)'. These equations estimate over bark volumes in 'dcm3' but the function transform the units so the output volumes have 'm3' units. The function assign equation forms and parameters depending on several variables, including the provincial unit, the tree species, the tree diameter, and the tree height. Consequently, objects from nfiMetrics must have these variables.


data.frame. Depending on keep.var, short or expanded data set. Short data sets contain the volumes v ('m3') plus the metrics defined in nfiMetrics. The expanded data contains additional columns with the variables used to compute the volumes.


Wilson Lara <[email protected]>, Cristobal Ordonez <[email protected]>, Felipe Bravo <[email protected]>


madridNFI <- system.file("", package="basifoR")
rmad <- readNFI(madridNFI)[1:10,]
vmad <- metrics2Vol(rmad)
## see metric units

Tree metrics from NFI data


This function recursively implements dbhMetric on data bases of the Spanish National Forest Inventory (NFI) to derive a variety of tree metrics. Use metrics2Vol to recursively derive the metrics plus over bark volumes.


nfiMetrics(nfi, var = c("d", 
    "h", "ba", "n", "Hd"), 
    levels = c("esta", 
        "espe"), ...)



character or data.frame. URL/path to a compressed file of the NFI (.zip) having data of either .dbf or .mdb file extensions, or a data frame such as that produced by readNFI.


character. Metrics. These can be five: (1) the mean diameter 'd'; (2) the tree height 'h'; (3) the basal area 'ba'; code(4) the number of trees per hectare 'n'; and (5) the dominant height 'Hd', see Details section in dbhMetric for better understanding of the metrics units. Default c('pr','d','h','ba','n','Hd').


character. levels at which the metrics are computed. Pattern matching is supported. Cases are ignored. Default c('esta','espe') matches both the sample plot 'Estadillos' and tree species 'Especie'.,


Additional arguments in readNFI.


data.frame containing columns which match the strings in levels, plus the variables defined in var, including the province pr (dimensionless), the diameter d ('mm'), the tree height h ('dm'), the basal area ba ('m2 tree-1'), the number of trees by hectare n (dimensionless), and the tree dominant height Hd ('m').


Wilson Lara <[email protected]>, Cristobal Ordonez <[email protected]>, Felipe Bravo <[email protected]>


## seconf NFI
madridNFI <- system.file("", package="basifoR")
rmad <- readNFI(madridNFI)[1:10,]
mmad <- nfiMetrics(rmad)
## see metric units

Read NFI data


This function can retrieve data sets of the Spanish National Forest Inventory (SNFI). It can process either URLs to data stored in the SNFI web page ("") or paths to files locally stored.


readNFI(nfi, dt.nm = "PCMayores", 



character or data.frame. URL/path to a compressed file of the SNFI (.zip) having data of either .dbf or .mdb file extensions.


character. Name of a data set stored in the imported NFI data. Default reads 'PCMayores' (3rd NFI) or 'PIESMA' (2nd NFI).


Additional arguments in urlToTemp.


Compressed data having file extensions other than .dbf or .mdb are not supported. Most data bases in 2nd and 3rd stages of the SNFI can be imported directly from using appropriate URLs. Data sets from 2nd SNFI are imported using read.dbf. Data from latter stages are imported using either RODBC (Windows) or mdb.get (unix-alike systems). Data from 4th SNFI must be read from local paths. On Windows, a driver for Office 2010 can be installed via the installer 'AccessDatabaseEngine.exe' available from Microsoft, and the package must be implemented using a 32-bit R version. In the case of unix-alike systems, the linux dependence mdbtools must be installed.


data.frame. A data base of the NFI.


Wilson Lara <[email protected]>, Cristobal Ordonez <[email protected]>, Felipe Bravo <[email protected]>


madridNFI <- system.file("", package="basifoR")
rmad <- readNFI(madridNFI)[1:100,]

## Retrieval of a data base from the second stage of the second SNFI:

path <- '/es/biodiversidad/servicios/banco-datos-naturaleza/'
url2 <- httr::modify_url("", path = path)
rnfi <- readNFI(url2)

Temporary NFI data


This function is implemented by other routines of the package to decompress .zip files with data sets of the SNFI.


urlToTemp(url., timeOut = timeout(60))



character. URL/path to a compressed file of the SNFI (.zip) having data of either .dbf or .mdb file extensions..


request. Maximum request time, see timeout. Default timeout(60)


The data sets are decompressed in a temporary file of the local machine. Compressed data containing file extensions other than .mdb or .dbf are not supported.


character. Path to the NFI data (.mdb or .dbf) stored in a temporary file


Wilson Lara <[email protected]>, Cristobal Ordonez <[email protected]>, Felipe Bravo <[email protected]>


madridNFI <- system.file("", package="basifoR")
tfmad <- urlToTemp(madridNFI)

## Internet resources fail gracefully with an informative message if
## the resource is not available or has changed (and not give a check
## warning nor error):

path <- '/es/biodiversidad/servicios/banco-datos-naturaleza/'
url2 <- httr::modify_url("", path = path)

tfmad <- urlToTemp(url2, timeOut=timeout(1))